As you're almost certainly aware at this point, every year Fenix and I do a new version of Hawkman and Hawkgirl. This year we'll be tackling a cyberpunk theme! This is really exciting, but it's also pretty different from past versions since it should feel clean and high tech. With that in mind I'm hoping to make the wings actually motorized this year! I tried to do that for the Atomic Hawks, but ran out of time to really work out the kinks. So this time, with a bit extra time before Dragon Con, I'm going to be taking a bunch of parts from ServoCity and doing two different versions of motorized wings. I'll try and take lots of pictures along the way and put up a tutorial or a walkthrough when I'm finished!
Full disclosure: by mentioning ServoCity I'll receive a discount on their products.
Originally posted this tutorial to my tumblr | if you have any questions, you can ask on our fb page: Cool By Proxy Productions , or shoot us an email!
This is the method I used for my Pool Party Maya Tattoos & Rhys' Neck tattoo at Dragon Con 2015 (I've also used it again for Maya's hip tattoo at PAX East 2016, and Scarlett & Janey's assorted tattoos). A lot of people were asking about them so I figured I'd make a little tutorial- it's a pretty easy method, it's just time consuming (as with all Siren tattoo methods). It's really a matter of what you want to spend your time on- messy body paint, or carefully cutting out and applying temporary tattoos!
Once again Dragon Con has come and gone. If you've just discovered us (likely due to images or activities at Dragon Con) then welcome! We'll be filling out our characters pages with pictures from the convention as they come in, but if you want to stay completely up to date then Facebook is going to be your best bet!
We'll likely be taking it easy over the next few months as we unwind, focus on the holidays, and then gear up for PAX South!
Our page is a little quiet right now because we're preparing to move across the country! That means we're packing up all stuff and getting rid of older costumes/props we don't need (check out our store if you're interested!).
We'll be moving to Austin, TX at the end of the month! We're sad to be leaving the Boston area and all our awesome cosplay & photography friends but we're also excited to see what new adventure Austin may have in store for us!
Welcome to Cool By Proxy Productions! We're a couple in and out of cosplay that makes incredible costumes and props in our free time.