Hey there folks!
Welcome to any new folks who we might have met for the first time at Dragon Con! There's a lot of cool stuff to check out on our site, including tons of photos of all of the characters we've done, recaps of past conventions, tutorials for building some of our more complicated props and costumes, and so much more.
We just got back from Dragon Con (as in literally just finished the drive back from Atlanta). In the coming days and weeks expect to see a lot of activity both here and our our various social media outlets (primarily Facebook - make sure you follow us!). We'll be uploading pictures taken at the convention, writing tutorials, continuing the updates to the site that I was working on back in July, and otherwise creating cool content for you all to enjoy. We'll also be actively accepting and working on commissions. All of that, however, will be AFTER we recover from Dragon Con and get over the inevitable con crud.