These are the official rules for Cool by Proxy Production's Fallout-themed giveaway! While it is being managed on Facebook and Instagram, this giveaway is not affiliated with either company.
The Prize:
- One copy of Fallout 4 Game of the Year edition for Xbox One, new and unopened. ($59.99 value)
- One signed 8"x10" black-and-white print of our Hancock cosplay ($10.00 value)
- A collection of Fallout 4 props made to look like in-game chems and bottlecaps ($20.00 value)
To Enter:
- Like our page and publicly like and share the official giveaway post on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CoolByProxyProductions/photos/a.570874209589506.129631.509309515745976/2058364864173759/
- Share our Instagram post and tag feralkiwi1: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk1JHcFA5Zt/
The entry period for the giveaway will end at 10:00 PM CT on July 25, 2018. A winner will be chosen at this time and contacted via a direct message on Facebook, Instagram, or e-mail, depending on the method of entry.
We will cover the cost of shipping the prize to the winner within the United States via USPS Priority Mail. International entries are also allowed, but winners will need to pay any shipping in excess of $15. If the winner is unable or unwilling to pay for the excess shipping then we will draw a new winner. This will be repeated as necessary.
Odds of winning are contingent on the number of entries. Each entry will be arbitrarily assigned a number and then we will pick a winner using Google's random number generator. Each person is limited to one entry per platform (maximum of two entries).
Hello everyone from PAX South (and the wider interwebs). Maybe you saw our panel at PAX on cosplay materials? We have the slides from that panel as well as the information sheet available on our new Materials page, along with a wealth of other information. Be sure to check it out if you want to learn more about cosplay materials! If you just want to check us out, then feel free to browse the rest of the site or hit us up on social media.
Note/warning: This costume was exhausting to build! It took me ages to finish- I kept having to put off its debut date because it was such a beast. Granted *some* of that was life issues getting in the way, but not all of them. Give yourself LOTS of time on this costume- it's full of fiddly details and if you're anything like me, you'll want them to be perfect. This costume took me about 7 months to finish, if not for life things it would probably still have been 4-5 (most of our costume builds are like 2 months tops), so that just gives you an idea of how much time it can take if you're a filthy perfectionist like me.
This build write-up is broken down by component and each component will have its own material list/resources.
Part II (shoes/hat/gloves) |
PART 1: The Dress & Jacket
This tutorial is a year overdue, but better late than never. For our cyberpunk variants of Hawkman and Hawkgirl I decided to finally make some motorized, lit wings. Really, there's no other way to say futuristic other than with moving parts that light up. I initially came up with two different plans for wings, but in the end my initial plan for Hawkman failed. This meant a last minute change to mimic the method I used for Hawkgirl's wings - that method is the one I'm going to discuss in this tutorial.
Welcome to Cool By Proxy Productions! We're a couple in and out of cosplay that makes incredible costumes and props in our free time.